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Anti-Glare vs Anti-Reflective

20. 1. 2020

FORTES interactive offers touch screens with various surface treatments, which improve the overall touch experience. Two of those treatments are often confused for each other because they solve the same problem.

The purpose of the Anti-Glare and Anti-Reflective screen is to enhance the readability of the devices, primarily under direct sunlight. These two solutions allow users the read displayed image or set of the characters with the least amount of the eye strain.  The difference between those solutions lies in the mechanism they use.

The anti-glare touch screen utilizes the diffusion mechanism to break up the reflection. Diffusion works by decreasing the clarity of the image that is reflected on the screen, making this undesired image unfocused to the user’s eye. This happens at the sacrifice of image clarity.

The anti-reflective touch-screen takes into account both internal and external light sources, and decrease the reflection by bending the light through the objects. Thanks to the anti-reflective method, the reflection might be reduced down to 0,4% (in comparison, anti-glare reduce the reflection down to 8%), and also the overall light output might be increased up to 99%.

If you need more information about the possible surface treatments, you can visit our TouchScreen section, or you can contact us directly!